'want to knoe more bout me?' tagged by mimy.

About Me Myspace Comments

i. Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to
write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you
ii. At de end, choose 16 people to be tagged
iii. You have to tag the person who tagged you
iv. If i tagged you, its because i want to know more about you

About Me Myspace Comments

First of all... Let me introduce my name... Farah Wahidah Razali... People just call me Fawa (as the combination of the first part of my name) can u see that combination?? haha...

1. People 1st impressions towards me - always happy go LUCKY! and agak ramah.. ?? ye ke.. =P

2. Bile nk tido mst ade sumtg buku/phone utk dipegang n dibelai.. huhu.. kdg2 wat bed tyme story sdri jek.

3. Suke senyum kat org eventhough xknal n maybe xkn balas balik pun senyuman kuh.. sedih2.. =(

4. A lil bit easy to know me crush on someone... But a lil bit hard to know that I love someone.. can u understand that? i hope so... =)

5. Agak pemalu if blum knal rapat sgt... sukar nk mghampiri org.. tp once daa knal.. taulaa korg camne aku nih.!! agaga...

6. Mmg pantang kne cabar... always nk menang...! i'm a type of person that lyke to compete secare syp2... beware of me... ~!hahaha...

7. Suke layan bdk2... dgr diorg ckp... wlupun merepek2 jek... tp still suke...

8. Once aku target bout anything... mst target tggi gyle... sbb aku tau... klu kte target ckit2 je.. usahe pun agak ciput.. so, baek target tggi2... am i right??

9. If sumtg sad happen to me... I'll easily crying and also easier to see me back to normal again... xsuke sedih lame2 sgt..

10. Xleyh gi mane2 tanpa jam.. masa itu ibarat pedang...

11. Xreti nk tegur org.. even kwn kite yg myb wat silap... herrm.. perlukan kekuatan dr 'someone' utk tegur...

12. Suke mkn bende yg pedas2.... baru syok! huhu.. klu mkn xsah klu xde smbl belacan.. or ape2 sambal jela.

Once aku marah kt org.. aku akn diam jek wat seketika... then, aku sdri yg akn mnx maaf kt die... pelik juge ek... hehe... itulah aku.. easy to forgive n forget.

14. Waktu blajo. Klu ngantuk mst trus tido... tp, klu on9 or tgh design graphic bru... sggup xtido 1 mlm.! =D

15. Suke amik gambo.! pape gambo jelaa..

16. Suke gaduh ngn adik aku... bende plg wajib klu aku duk umah jek... hehe...

About Me Myspace Comments

About Me Myspace Comments

People I tagged
1. Kak Ija
2. Kak Nina
3. Liyana Syamimy
4. Areefah
5. Nur Hanani
6. Helmi Razali
7. Nabilah Asyiqin a.k.a Syqn
8. Rifky Alfazirah
9. Nur Hamiza
10. Arif Sulaiman
Lg 6, no idea... hehe... Sile2.... lakukan tugas anda..! huhu~!

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