Overall I've Lost....

yeayyy!!! alhamdulillah.


overall i've lost 7 kg!!! Hee. okbye. tu je nk gtau.

Skytrex Adventure With Home-friends! [16/2/2013]

Kegirangan kanak2 ribena waktu baru sampai Taman Botani Shah Alam

Semalam merupakan pengalaman yg baru buat aku n kawan2 homefriends (bangians) ; seha, ena, bella, una and also me! yeay... menyertai program kelompok murni, uniten. Program yg diberi nama 'Adventure With Nature' bertempat di Taman Botani Negara, Shah Alam. waahh, excited sume muka memasing! padahal nk cari masalah sbb dlm program ni gak kitorg tpaksa buat aksi2 mencabar ketenangan jiwa dgn memanjat dan bergayut2 dia atas awanan yg kira2 setinggi 17 meter. WOW! amazing right?

Alhamdulillah, semuanya berjalan lancar and all of us back home in one piece again. Hahaha.. xdelah smpi terburai urat2 ketakutan pun. masih OK lagi!!! hihi...

First skali sampai2 je taman botani, kitorg gi melawat keindahan alam di sekitar taman botani dgn menaiki shuttle bus free air (xde tingkap dan sgt berangin). First destination dlm taman botani yg kitorg gi adalah rumah empat musim. Igt kan yo2 lah ade empat2 musim sekali dlm tempat tuuu... rupanya dia ikut suka suki je buat hanya satu musim je at one time. So, waktu kitorg gi tu, hanyalah musim winter (dikenali sbgi musim salji). Perghhh suhu mencecah -7 degree!! Tanpa glove tanpa sweater kitorg masuk je dgn muka excited! wah, bestnya baq hang! aku first time kottttt msuk tmpt yg sejuk camni. hehehehe... (jakun!)

Feeling so extremely cold. Masha ALLAH!

First time baq hang main salji di MALAYSIA. Kami cinta MALAYSIA! wee

Dah lepas taman botani, dah xde pape aktiviti sampailah kul 11.30 pagi... kitorg sempatlah melepak kat sawah padi buatan taman botani. Pergh, sekali lagi kami menjadi teramat jakun tgok keindahan padi di tengah bandaraya shah alam! ceehhh...!!! 

Cantik x kawan2? Subhanallah... Indahnya!

Kul 11.30 pagi berkumpul kat cafe dpn pintu masuk taman botani. ok, dah start makan tengah hari!!! yeayyy!!!! alhamdulillah... burrppp! kenyang! makan nasi yang entah berapa mangkuk letak (banyak la), ngan ayam goreng kunyit dan sedikit sayur serta sambal yang menjilat jari. I choose not to diet that day, because this is my final day hanging out with my home-friends before everyone going to be busy the whole week when they start their semester of studies.

Then, dah kenyang2 makan, mulalah kami ambil shuttle bus dan bertolak ke tmpt skytrex(main activities of this program!) sume berlari2 ke bus, nk dptkan tmpt duduk! heee... kanak2 ribena lah katakan.

1.30 bermulalah ketakutan kami! Program ini memerlukan kami utk menamatkan kesemua 26 checkpoint cabaran bertali di atas awangan yg tingginya sekurang2nya 17m! (BIG THRILL ADVENTURE, SKYTREX TAMAN BOTANI, SHAH ALAM)  

Before skytrex! Muka happy ke sedih, xtahu nk describe! hehe

tangga ni lah first sekali yg kitorg kena panjat sebelum nk tempuh semua 26 checkpoint tuh, penat!!

antara banyak2 cabaran, aku rasa ni yg paling mencabar tekanan jiwa ni!! arrghhh rasa nk jatuhkan je diri, tp tetap tabah meneruskan perjuangan! alhamdulillah!!


p/s: hari ni gi lagi pejabat passport putrajaya, still xdpt buat passport gak. 
8.30 pagi dah habis nombor. hampa!

Feel So Sleepy

Assalamualaikum... Today is my sleepy day... Wahhhh.

Went to putrajaya this morning to make my new passport. But unfortunately, the registration number already finish. Oh my, bila aku nk buat passport ni? Lps ni dah kne kje.

But thank allah, one of the guard there told me that the passport office will be open during saturday n sunday also from 8 am till 12 pm. Alhamdulillah. So, xpyh amik cuti pun xpe.

Back to the home. Feel sleepy.... Aiyaaa... Aku tdow dr kul 3 smpi 7. Perghh best gylo. Huhu.

Lps ni mne leh tdow lama. Hurrmmm rasa takut lak nk kje. Tp xpelah redha je. Yg penting keje kuat dan sungguh2. Insya allah.

P/s: doakan syazwan dpt kje yg baik dan bagus2. Semoga semua perancangan kami menjadi kenyataan. Amin. Allah knows better. :-)

aktiviti hari ni. hurm

Assalamualaikum! and Hello Everyone!

Ok, today not so many interesting story to write about. just a few lil thing that I can write for u to read in the middle of soo boring life, kot. hehe.. ye ke? ok2.

First of all,
I was fought with syazwan today! haha.. because x dapat jumpa RFC(Radix Fried Chicken) kat Bandar Baru Bangi tu.. Padan muka syazwan! hihihi... pusing punya pusing satu bangi tu dekat setengah jam, akhirnya sampai gak kat RFC. Alhamdulillah.. lahhh, rupanya building dia sama dgn hotel bajet yg baru bukak kat bangi tu. Alhamdulillah. Berkat baca doa pemudah urusan, doa apa ye kawan? hmmm.... cuba igt balik post terdahulu... hihi

"Robbi Yassir Wala Tu'asir, Robbi Tammim Bil Khoir"

Sampai2 je situ, igt nk order dinner plate meal satu dgn 50% off untuk ala carte...

Lah, rupa2nya RFC ni bkn KFC. terlupa sebentar! huuhuu. Alhamdullillah. semuanya RM25 kot.. dua set meal yang mmg look exactly the same like snack plate KFC. dua ketul ayam, coleslaw, roti, dan jugak mesh potato.! umm look delicious! just add rm1 for juice drink. So, I decided to order Rossele Juice Drink instead of air yg kurang sihat(carbonated drink).

Gulp! tertelan air liur pulak tgok zig zag wedges yang sebijik macam cheesy wedges. ohh god! alhamdulillah for this nikmat. xsemua org dapat merasa makanan apa yang aku makan hari ni. Ingatlahh jua pada org2 yang kurang berkemampuan, saudara2 kita di luar sana. hurmm.

heee... sedap x? amik dari tenet je, lupa amik gambo tadi

Komen for the food?
Ohh, actually... not bad at all.! alhamdulillah. sunnah nabi makan dgn tangan, kami ikuti. dan kekenyangan itu terlalu cepat ia muncul. tulah macam orang cakap, kalau kita amalkan sunnah nabi ni semua benda jadi barakah dan ade nikmat ALLAH di situ. Alhamdulillah aku merasainya. Semoga ALLAH menjadi kan kita semua insan yang sentiasa mengamalkan cara hidup ya rasulullah saw. Insya-Allah...

Pada petangnya! 
Pukul 4. Bertolak ke Court Badminton yang dekat ngn restoran hajah tu! perghh syok woahh wa cakap lu... Sharrin, Nadiah and Syazwan. smua hebat2 belaka. aku sorg je yg men macam hampeh kot. huhu. Harap2 aku cpt pandai main. *sambil tutup mata dan berdoa. huhu :P

gaya aku menang tadi. bergaya x? haha

Spanjang perjalanan menuju ke court badminton tu, tanya pasal usrah yang nadiah join. hurmm.. dia kata best gyle! dgn seorang akak yang sudah graduate bergelar doktor dari persatuan IKRAM. macam nk join, tapi segan pulak. selasa malam pulak tu. sama pulak ngn usrah kak syaza.

Macam mne ye? so, mybe akan dilihat dan diobeserve kemudian kot. hurmm. Nadiah ajak gi masjid bukak puasa malam ni. Mmg ada niat nk gi... nk gi sgt2... tpi segan, sebab tak puasa. hurmm... laen kali ajak kite lagi tau nadiah kalau ade pape lagi. Insya-ALLAH.

Mak call tadi, mak kate mak sakit dada makan satu ubat tu yg doktor bagi dari hospital. risaunya dengan kesihatan mak. lepas ni nk siap2 dan jenguk mak. kak N cakap dia nk hantar mak gi medical checkup kat putrajaya malam ni. so, lepas ni trus start kete dan nk gi.

Ok, so long my blog! Penat dah menaip. mcam menaip FYP pulok. :D

Alhamdulillah once again ALLAH. I love u so, ALLAH. 

P/s: kawan2, kalau ada usrah ke, solat jemaah ramai2 ke, jangan lupa ajak saya tau. saya nk join. sekarang ni dah xaktif sgt berpersatuan sbb dah ade fyp. huhuh... doakan saya sentiasa di bawah lindungan rahmat dan kasih sayang ALLAH hendaknya. Amin. Dan mohon doakan juga ibu saya sihat seperti sediakala, sbb tahun ni mak nak pegi haji. 

Happy Go Lucky! Alhamdulillah...

Assalamualaikum. :)

Im so happy today. I dont know why. Tadi gi makan bihun sup kat gerai luar uniten. Ohh god, its been like 5 month not eating the bihun sup utara made by 2 men at one of the stall there. Cukup terangkat! haha...

Dear blog, 

Can u just be happy for me also? I have met my old roommate before this, Asiah! she is so thin laa... I want to be like her. Loose weight but in a healthy way. *Applause! hihi. Sorry Asiah for mentioning ur name here....

Ok, Kak Syaza text-ed me this evening. She told me in Tuesday, every week, there will be an usrah at Surau Ilmu from 8 pm til 9 pm roughly. I am so happy to hear that news from her. Ohhh, such a long time waiting for this big opportunity, joining a group of usrah! May ALLAH gives all of us rahmah and barakah for joining this good activities. :) insya-ALLAH.

why am i joining usrah?
Ok, there is nothing wrong right for me to join the usrah. I was very ignorant towards the religion before this. So, I think that I have to take one step at a time to become a much more better person, a much more solehah person. I want to keep my mind and soul refresh with every beautification of Islam and sunah. I want to become a mujahidah. Insya-ALLAH.

"Robbi Yassir Wala Tu 'Asir, 
Robbi Tammim Bil Khoir" 
A very miracle du'a. Always practice this kind of du'a. I was always prayed this du'a in the middle of difficulties. This morning, it was so hard to find a parking for my Kancil at the COE parking area. I recited this du'a again and again and believed in myself that Allah will help  me in every situations, no matter how hard it is. Because ALLAH always here for us, helping us. :)

Alhamdulillah, after I just arrived at COE parking area, there are one car that came out from the parking area just infront of my car. So, I said ALHAMDULILLAH. Its the miracle that ALLAH gave to me. Subhanallah.

Dear friends,
Always do believe in ALLAH and His Miracle. Always make your du'a everytime and everywhere. Insya-ALLAH, ALLAH will always helps you going through all the difficulties that you feel everyday. Masya-ALLAH.

p/s: Rindu sangat nk solat berjemaah kat sini. Jom esok kite ke masjid. Insya-ALLAH. :)

Ohh Feel So Scared Pulok! haha

Assalamu'alaikum... Hello! today is such a very relax day. have 3 hours gap after my Radio Freq class from 1-4, and after that I have 1 more class left (process control instrumentation). :) yipee!

Ok, today Mr Goh(EE FYP Coordinator) ask me and syazwan whether we have got our own title for fyp or not. We said that we already sent the proposed title to him. Maybe he forgot. so many things that he need to think throughout this whole semester! He is so excited today, because only 5 students left that had been registered to his RF class... His voice also seems so motivated and excited today! Me and syazwan were had so much fun and understood all the things that he taught us today! waaa, so happy! because before this, we always sleepy in his class because of his romantic voice. hehe.. kidding! :P

Our beloved RF lecturer!

Ok2, back to the main title of this post!

Just before this, I logged in into uniten info. Waaa! so scary. the title that I am being proposed to Mdm. Nurul Asyikin had already registered by herself for me. Sighing..... Hmmmm... May ALLAH ease all the hardness and difficulties throughout my whole semester.... 19 credits! arghh, feel so scared pulok bila pandang tajuk tu! haha...

p/s: hope to see u soon, blog. ok salam, and bye!

Its been like A YEARS without blogging! arrghhh

Assalamualaikum semua. :)

Hello everyone! fuhhhhhhh.... so many stories to write about. but, i will just sort out everything very brief ok, my fren? huhu... Alhamdullillah.... Alhamdulillah ya allah for this semester. Allah gave me so much grace for this whole semester, eventhough its just the starting of this sem. Thank you ALLAH, I love u so much. Insya-ALLAH.

How can I be in my final year this semester?
-Actually I also dont know how to describe and tell you about the main reason why this is happening. Oh yeah, happening. that means it happen now. IN THIS SEMESTER. WOAHH! I am also freaking out when I just found out. Haha. Gullppp.. Hmmm... *Long sighing... Actually the truth is, I am just in my 3rd year 2nd semester. But we sort out that, before this we had taking so many credits like 19 credits per semester! and now just 36 credits left. so, why not we just shorten the remain period course for just 2 semester only? 19 credits for this sem, and the remaining credits as our so called "final semester" subjects. ahaha... *evil laugh. alhamdulillah....

My FYP Supervisor?
Ohhhhh............. haaaachuum! *sneezed. Have u ever heard about this lecturer - Nurul Asyikin? She is the one that completed her Master Studies for just about 18months! less than 2 years right?! Me and Syazwan was thought about to make her as our supervisor for our FYP title. We met her last friday. She is so kind to us. She taught us about the FTTH(fiber to the home)in just about 15 minutes. And we learn so much from her explanation. We decided to take the FYP with her. She gave both of us the new title to be proposed to Mr Goh Chin Hock(as the coordinator for FYP EE students). And I am so happy! Our proposed title was accepted. And yeah! We had already have the SUPERVISOR that everyone of us freaking out whether can have a good lecturer n title or not(that need to be 'grab' this Friday with many other students). Alhamdulillah. Thanks a lot Mdm. Asyikin!

"Play2 first" Before Being Busy For This Whole Semester!
Last Sunday, me, Syazwan and Nabihah had our girls day out. awww.! is syazwan a girl? hahahahahha! :P u figure it out by urself lahh! hahahahhaha... just kidding. actually, syazwan is my special friend. oh, what kind of special fren. hehehe. OK, we had a movie! Men In Black 3.! It is so fun! and a lot of comedy that made my day even brighter! haha... just take a break to enjoy the first week for this semester.!

Exercise A Lot!

Do you want to do your exercise everyday? Oh, if u do, so please just come to my apartment at level 3, Ilmu 1 by just bringing the 5kg load. hahhaa.. u will feel the burn! like I felt everyday from the 1st day I came to my apartment. Need to lose weight for this semester, so I have to be more hardworking by just climbing the stairs to my apartment at level 3! Errr....

This is the scenery from my apartment! Beautiful, isn't it? Alhamdulillah. do come to my apartment if u want to releasing the tension that u had for this semester.

p/s:Ok, need to go! nk balik bangi jenguk mak sebentar. Assalamualaikum!!!!! See u soon!

merancang sesuatu yang lebih baik...

Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t....

hurrmmmm... dimulakan dgn bismillahirrahmanirrahim... :D

alhamdulillah.. syukur, ALLAH masih lagi beri peluang kat aku menghela nafas di dunia yang fana ini...

menghela nafas panjang sepanjang panjangnya....... fffhuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
macam2 hal dan perkara yang terjadi pada waktu aku xmnulis sepatah pun kat blog ni... macam2... smpi xboleh nk diluahkan dgn kata2 sudah....

daripada hal keluarga kepada hal kawan dan phubungan kepada hal pelajaran dan hal diri sendiri.... COMPLETE. diriku sudah COMPLETE dgn semua masalah ini... nmun ku gagahi jua kakiku ini melangkah setiap hari dgn penuh tekad dan bersemangat menanti hadirnya saat gembira... ;)

haha! skema gyle ayat ko farah... skema habis tuhh!

"senyum kelat..."

dalam hati: daaa blog aku, lantak pi aku lah nk wat lagu mana pun...! haha...

gimik je lebih... :)

msuk minggu ni dah 4 minggu berturut aku diterjah dengan test 1 macam2!!!... xde REST LANGSUNG! arrgghhhhhhhh..... huhuhu... sunguh3 busy sem ni..... tp nk kate aku blaja sgt pun, xgak.... banyak main2 kot ngn syazwan.... tibe tension sikit, gi wayang release tension...ngn kak salmi pun slalu gak release... balik2 jaa nangis, nk gi wayang! cam budak kecik gyle.. haha... blaja2 pun bawak laptop, online... so, macam bnyk bnde pelajaran sem ni aku mcm blaja last minute...

ya allah, apa nk jadi ngn diri aku ni senanya??...

sedih mmg sedih.... rasa macam sehari demi sehari diri aku mcm dah berubah sikit demi sikit... aku xnk... aku nk stay macam aku dolu2.... yg kuat semangat dan xpnah putus asa...

ni ade je sikit dugaan kat semicon, dah hati aku terdetik nk DROP... oh no, i must go on.... xleh putus2 asa!!! xleh mcam ni... aku senanya boleh... aku boleh dapat sume A dalam sume subjek aku amik... ish3.... sedih mmg sedih... tpi aku yakin segala yang berlaku tu ada hikmahnya.... insya-ALLAH....

trus berusaha, dan berdoa.... insya-ALLAH, ada jalannya...

aku yakin pada janji ALLAH... :)

~Jom Ramai-Ramai Ke SPM!!!!!~

p/s : doakan saya untuk test EMF rabu ini, kuiz semicon kamis ini, kuiz EMF next week dan juga untuk program SPM selasa 12 JULAI ini!!!!!!! Insya-ALLAH akan buat yang terbaik untuk sume.... ;)